Ebola & Liberia
Op-ed on Trump tweets about Ebola in Mother Jones (April 2017)
With Dr. John Russell about medical aspects of Ebola on Reach MD (March 2017)
Inquiring Minds podcast with Dr. Indre Viskontas (March 2017)
With Deborah Becker on WBUR's Radio Boston (March 2017)
Interview with Marcia Young on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's The Current (March 2017)
Talk at Northeastern University (part one) (part two) (November 2015)
"Why I Go," op-ed in The New York Times on working in Ebola Treatment Unit (October 2014)
Feature on work in Bong County ETU as well as Braving Ebola portraits in The New York Times (October 2014)
Medical Uncertainty
Review of UK edition of Snowball in Times Higher Education (June 2016)
Op-ed on uncertainty in The Guardian (June 2016)
NY Post op-ed on mammography (April 2016)
Interview on medical uncertainty with Dallas NPR Think host Krys Boyd (March 2016)
Interview with Julie Beck, science writer at The Atlantic (February 2016)